We Bring Order To Chaos

We Bring Order To Chaos

  Perhaps you want to pursue other market opportunities. Perhaps the same-old, business-as-usual no longer fulfills you. Perhaps you see the proverbial handwriting on the wall and know that the product or service you provide will soon be phased out of the market...

Change Management in Pricing

Service providers especially understand and implement dynamic pricing systems. Whether you’re coding a new app, designing a new website, or transforming an organizational structure, the service manages change and change is, by its very nature, dynamic. Dynamic pricing...

Change to Remain Relevant

Change, like a certain scatological reference, happens. You can’t prevent it. You may not even be able to delay it. That means you have two choices: adapt or stagnate. The market will always find room to accommodate those who stick to their guns and refuse to change....

From Adversary to Advocate

As a business process re-engineering consultant, I often find that the very word “process” engenders negative attitudes from those who are supposed to benefit from it. Such resistance to the establishment of new processes comes from employees who have been forced to...